Thinger Io

Thinger Io Tools

This application allows controlling your IoT devices connected to the platform. You may require an account or scan a device token in order to use it. This is a very preliminary app, and more features are being developed in this moment.

Open Source Platform for the Internet of Things

Connect and Manage your Internet of Things products within minutes. We offer a ready to go scalable cloud infrastructure for connecting millions of things. You can control them with our easy to use admin console, our mobile app, or integrate them in your business logic with our REST API.

Open Source

Take the code and run your own cloud. Hack it, and share your changes with the community.

Easy Coding

Turning on a light from the Internet or reading a sensor value requires a single line of code on the MCU. But that’s not all.

Hardware agnostic

Connect anything you want. Arduino, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison? That’s not a problem.

For Makers

Makers can register for free accounts to start building their IoT projects in minutes, just using our cloud infrastructure.

Cloud Platform

Want scalability, speed, and security? Use our hosted cloud infrastructure with an easy to use admin console.

For Companies

Focus on develop your awesome IoT products. We make them available from the Internet for you.

Available on Google Play Store for Android


5G Speed Test 2021

R Control