Ora – Project Management & Team Collaboration (Early Access)

  • Android
  • September 1, 2021
  • 0

Ora PM

Agile task management and visual team collaboration, Ora is your team’s command center.

Ora enables you to customize your projects and collaborate the way you want! Choose an existing methodology or create your own. Ora has everything your team might need to boost productivity and collaborate! Task management, kanban, list, issues tracking, time tracking, chat, reports on projects and team productivity. It is powerful and yet simple and easy to use.

Power made simple.

Active-Sync (in development) Does this sound familiar? You manage a dozen of projects across different systems not because you want to but because you are forced by a team or a client? Active Sync (in development), allows Ora to sync with other third-party task management applications like Jira, Trello, GitHub, Asana, Basecamp and more. Ora is perfect for people who have all of their tasks scattered in many different systems.

Kanban and List views Why force you? You decide what view to activate on your project. And these are not ordinary views. With collapsible lists, multiple selection and lots of customizations you will organize your work in no time!

Available in Google Play Store for Android


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