
  • Android
  • October 3, 2021
  • 0

Tanapro GmbH, Tom Arn

You need Android 2.2.3 or higher and a storage card (/sdcard/) to use this app!

Following development tools are integrated in JavaIDEdroid:
aapt tool
Eclipse compiler for Java
dx tool
DexMerger tool
zipsigner-lib (this library also does the zipalign)
SpongyCastle Library
BeanShell Interpreter
JavaRunner: allows to run any binary Java commandline application (.jar file)

The APP can be extended with modules. The modules are loaded dynamically and the integrity of the module is checked before every start of the module. In the download area of the project’s website you’ll find some pre-built modules, for example for Ant or the jar tool.

The APP can be controlled and customized with BeanShell scripts. The APP supports the ‘protected script mode’ which verifies the integrity of the scripts before executing them.

The software supports project features:
Project definition files: Allows to define project specific information for every project.
Default scripts: Due to the project definition files, it is possible to use default BeanShell scripts (for compiling and building) which fit almost all projects. The default scripts can be started from the project menu and can be customized if needed.
Project template: When creating a new project definition files, you can tell the app to create a skeleton project for you.
Recent project list: Allows to quickly re-open recent projects
Project filemanager: Allows you to browse all your project files and create, open, edit, delete and run (only .bsh files) them. There is a ‘Directory list’ button that lets you quickly change to another subdirectory of the project.
Project time log: Allows you to see the time spent for development

By installing the JavaIDEdroidPRO key (or the old JavaIDEdroidPRO 1.x app) additional features become available:
Unlimited project support (the free version only supports very small projects)
DexMerger Tool: Allows to merge 2 .dex files. So, .jar libraries do not need to be re-dexed everytime.
dx: Merge functionality
dx: Incremental option
APK signing with user certificate
Unlimited JavaRunner (the free version only supports very small .jar files and only 1 module at a time)

The Permission is used, so that Java console applications can access the Internet. JavaIDEdroid itself does not need the Internet access.

Available on Google Playstore for Android


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