AIDE NDK Binaries (for Android 10+).


Native binaries for AIDE – the Android IDE. They supplement AIDE for Java/C++.

IDE supports developing Java/Xml based Android apps using the Android SDK. 

The AIDE app comes bundled with a mobile version of the Android SDK, so there is no need to install anything else. 

AIDE supports developing HTML5/CSS/JavaScript based apps using PhoneGap. 

PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs.

They need to be installed on Android 10+ when native C/C++ apps or executables are being developed.

The NDK is a toolset that allows you to implement parts of your app using native-code languages such as C and C++. 

AIDE supports developing apps using the NDK on Arm devices.

What are native binaries?

It means a program compiled just for the hardware platform it will run on. 

A windows program designed to run on windows only is a native binary. 

The binary is the program that runs after the source code is compiled down. to machine language the Operating System and CPU can understand.

Application Binary Interface (ABI): 

The ABI defines exactly how your app’s machine code is expected to interact with the system at runtime.

Different Android devices use different CPUs, which in turn support different instruction sets.

Each combination of CPU and instruction set has its own Application Binary Interface (ABI).

The NDK builds .so files against these definitions.

Source code is available:

Available in Google Play


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